Sunday, February 28, 2010


Dear Friends, Yesterday we launched the AriseArt blog. We have been thinking about creating a blog for a long time, the reason it has not materialized until yesterday is that I had another job that kept me from solely focusing on this company and it's growth. I am now present and ready for this amazing collaboration with my multi talented husband. I always want to offer you what is new, unique, fun and useful. We wanted to introduce something that you would thoroughly enjoy visiting regularly and gaining something with every visit, whether it is useful information or just seeing something beautiful that will inspire you. If you are like me, looking at pictures of great works of art in any field makes my day brighter and inspires me to jump back to work wanting to outdo myself. (yay, to Pintrest) In my opinion art can be found in anything we look at starting with nature, the biggest and best museums, ending with a child’s naïve drawing, and this is what we aim to show you here. We will share with you our work connected to AriseArt, the random things we build and design and works from other inspired artists that moves us. We look forward to every aspect of this endeavor. Traci